


I have an insight I really want to share with you. Especially us competitive persons can have an advantage of reminding us of this.


Here we go;

We are separate and my accomplishment is not in any way connected to you as well as your accomplishment not in any way is connected to mine.


Truly, there are so many times, the feeling raises, that, damn I wish I could do that, or, why can’t I do that, or, damn he or she could do it.

But the thing is, the achievement of another person does not in any way stop you from accomplishing the same thing or stop you from doing something similar.

Just because that guy there got that superawesome wave doesn’t mean that my wave won’t come. It will.  My wave is not taken just because of someone else achievement.

Instead of absorbing the feeling of being let down by yourself, think –“yeah look, it’s actually possible! My turn.”, and then do it.


My wise sister reminded me of this on our roadtrip down to France during one of our discussions about personal development and how we treat ourselves. Especially when it comes to sports and music I’ve had a hard time measuring myself with everyone else, and, I really think that this way of thinking is a good way of approaching the sometime frustrating feelings when you’re trying something new.


Next time, take a step back, remind yourself and enjoy the ride, whatever it might be!


xxx Madde

self development
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